This month’s roundup is going to be super long – but that’s not because I read so many books last month, it’s because I was too lazy to write a January roundup so that this one covers both January and February. That’s good for me because the first month in 2017 was actually quite embarrassing […]

November wasn’t quite as awesome as October but I finally managed to get some reading done again and read almost as many books in the past 30 days than in the three previous months combined. I’m still a bit behind on my Goodreads challenge and really trying to reach my 2016 goal without having to cheat, so […]

October is always my favorite month because I was born in October, the biggest German book fair takes place in October and I just love autumn in general. But this year October has been even more amazing than usual because Maraia came to visit me for almost the whole month and I even got to […]

I feel like I haven’t properly blogged in ages and so it’s no surprise that I failed to write my June roundup last month. Lazy me tried to convince my Inner Monk that it’s okay to miss out one monthly recap but as you can see in this post’s headline, lazy me eventually lost – […]

To be honest I’m really glad that May is finally over because it was the most exhausting month EVER. Okay, maybe not ever, but it was definitely exhausting 😀 I had four family birthdays that I had to attend (waaaay too much socializing for just one month…), work was also quite stressful and the little free […]

I still miss the times when I managed to read 15 or more books per month and not just eight as in April but at least the quality of the books I’ve read improved compared to the rather poor March. 6 out of 8 books got 4 stars or higher but some of them still felt like a […]

After suffering a breakdown when her private life suddenly collapsed and left her all on her own, Jude runs away from London and tries to leave her problems and worries behind. Thinking back of the trip she did the previous summer with her husband she decides to flee to Scotland and seeks refuge in the small city […]

2016 hasn’t been a very successful year of reading so far and I feel like March has been a new low since I’ve read awfully little last month with only 7 finished books 🙁 I’m not really in a reading slump but somehow I’ve been kept busy by other things – at least that’s what […]