Am 29. Januar 2011 gewann die Belgierin Kim Clijsters zum ersten Mal die Australian Open, Borussia Dortmund hatte nach einem 3:0-Sieg in Wolfsburg 14 Punkte Vorsprung auf den FC Bayern und war damit auf dem besten Wege zur Deutschen Meisterschaft (ja, damals gab es noch andere Titelträger als die ewigen Münchner…) und Peer Kusmagk setzte […]
Kategorie: Rückblick
June was another great month. We started it off with an amazing long weekend in Dresden, in which we walked 68km in three and a half days and ate tons of delicious food. Shortly after we got back, the World Cup started, which means we watched one to three soccer games a day. Maraia read […]
As we knew it would be, May was even more packed than April. Sebastian was training for his half-marathon (which he successfully completed!), we celebrated multiple family birthdays, ate delicious food at a food truck festival, and went on several excursions. We spent a day and a half in Maastricht, visited a friend in Aachen, […]
April was incredibly packed, and we had less time to read than we’d have liked. We only managed to buddy read three (short) books! Fortunately, we were mostly busy with fun things, so we can’t complain too much. We had two birthday parties (including Maraia’s first party with Sebastian’s entire family), a pizza dinner at […]
March was a great month for us! Our friend Steffi visited us at the beginning of the month, and then we spent a nice day at a nearby zoo. For the second half of the month, we were on vacation, which gave us lots of time to read – finally!
There’s not much more we can say about February besides the fact that it was a pretty crap month. Maraia spent much of the month sick with the flu, while Sebastian spent that time trying not to catch it from her. Between illness and the Olympics, we read (and watched) much less than usual, and […]
Somehow January is already over, even though 2017 still feels like yesterday. We had a busy month, trying to catch up on everything we didn’t get to in December, family obligations, and trying to finish all our Christmas chocolate before we start (non-religiously) participating in Lent. We also went to see a live production of […]
Ein Jahreswechsel ist immer auch der Zeitpunkt, um auf die vergangenen 12 Monate zurückzublicken, und in den letzten Jahren ist es bei mir zur lieb gewonnenen Tradition geworden, mein persönliches Lesejahr im Rahmen der „BuchSaiten Blogparade“ Revue passieren zu lassen. Dieser etwas andere Jahresrückblick, bei dem es nicht um unbedingt um die besten oder schlechtesten […]
Adapted from The Perpetual Page-Turner I look forward to this survey every year, as it’s yet another chance to book push all my favorites on you guys. You might notice that there’s LOT of repetition in my answers this year, but it’s only because I truly love these books and hope more people will read […]
What a year! 2017 brought with it a lot of change, and despite the fact that it was kind of a crappy year on global scale, for us personally it was one of our best years ever. We finally got to be together, we traveled to and explored so many new places, we ate and […]