Adapted from The Perpetual Page-Turner

I look forward to this survey every year, as it’s yet another chance to book push all my favorites on you guys. You might notice that there’s LOT of repetition in my answers this year, but it’s only because I truly love these books and hope more people will read them. Or maybe it’s because I’ve forgotten 80% of the books I’ve read and these are the only ones whose titles I still remember. ?

  • Number of books you read?
  • Number of re-reads?
  • Number of DNF’s?
  • Number of audiobooks?
    59 (way down from 2016!)
  • Genre you read the most in 2017?
    With rereads: Fantasy edged out mystery/thrillers by a single book!
    Without rereads: Mystery/Thrillers

  • Best book you read in 2017?
    Assassin’s Fate
  • Worst book you read in 2017?
    You or Passenger to Frankfurt
  • Number of buddy reads in 2017?
  • Best buddy read of 2017?
    Starfish with Cait and Assassin’s Fate with my Hobb Squad
  • Worst buddy read of 2017?
    You or Passenger to Frankfurt, both with Sebastian
  • Most read book of 2017?
    A Conjuring of Light (4 times)
  • Number of series started in 2017?
    31, lol
  • Number of series finished/DNF’d in 2017?
    Finished: 9
    DNF’d: 10
  • Book you were excited about & thought you were going to love more but didn’t?
    Eliza and Her Monsters, Strange the Dreamer, The Tiger’s Daughter, True Grit, We Are Okay, Kings of the Wyld, and Dreadnought

  • Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read in 2017?
    The Wolf Road – I was close to DNF’ing it but ended up loving it! Eliza and Her Monsters was surprising in a bad way, since I loved it up to 80% and ended up rating it two stars.
  • Book you “pushed” the most people to read in 2017?
    Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series, Daughter of the Forest, Failure to Communicate, Starfish, Katrina Leno’s books, and The Flight of the Silvers
  • Best series you started in 2017? Best sequel of 2017? Best series you ended in 2017?
    Started: The Unhewn Throne trilogy and Xandri Corelel
    Sequel: Down Among the Sticks and Bones and The Song of the Orphans
    Ended: Fitz and the Fool and Shades of Magic

  • Best standalone:
    Starfish, The Hate U Give, Dear Martin, and Everything All At Once
  • Favorite new author you discovered in 2017?
    Kaia Sønderby, Brian Staveley, Angie Thomas, Akemi Dawn Bowman, Agatha Christie, Jo Nesbø
  • Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
    Murder on the Orient Express (I know classics aren’t a genre, but they’re definitely outside my comfort zone)
  • Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
    The Fourth Monkey and Origin
  • Book you read in 2017 that you are most likely to re-read next year?
    Failure to Communicate

  • Favorite cover of a book you read in 2017?
    Strange the Dreamer, Starfish, The Obelisk Gate, and The Wolf Road
  • Most memorable character of 2017?
    Gwenna from the Unhewn Throne trilogy, Xandri from Failure to Communicate, and Jo Nesbø’s Harry Hole
  • Most beautifully written book read in 2017?
    Strange the Dreamer
  • Most thought-provoking/life-changing book of 2017?
    Dear Martin and The Hate U Give
  • Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2017 to finally read?
    And Then There Were None
  • Favorite passage/quote from a book you read in 2017?
    I didn’t record many quotes this year, but I really like „hate ricochets, but kindness does too“ from A List of Cages

  • Shortest & longest books in 2017?
    Longest: It (1478 pages)
    Shortest: Lullaby for a Lost World (14 pages)
  • Shortest & longest audiobooks in 2017?
    Longest: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (29 hours, 46 minutes)
    Shortest: Lyra’s Oxford (48 minutes)
  • Book that shocked you the most?
    The Song of the Orphans
  • OTP of the year (you will go down with this ship!)?
    I didn’t ship that much this year, but I love all the ships in A Conjuring of Light
  • Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year?
    Fitz, the Fool, and Nighteyes
  • Favorite book you read in 2017 from an author you’ve read previously?
    Assassin’s Fate, A Conjuring of Light, The Song of the Orphans, and Everything All At Once
  • Favorite book you read in 2017 from a new-to-you author?
    Failure to Communicate, Starfish, Dear Martin, The Providence of Fire
  • Best book you read in 2015 that you read based SOLELY on a recommendation from somebody else/peer pressure?
    The Unhewn Throne trilogy, Starfish, and Failure to Communicate
  • Best 2017 debut you read?
    Starfish, The Hate U Give, and Dear Martin

  • Best worldbuilding/most vivid setting you read this year?
    The world in City of Miracles
  • Hidden gem of the year?
    Failure to Communicate
  • Book that put a smile on your face/was the most FUN to read?
    The Library at Mount Char
  • Book that made you cry or nearly cry in 2017?
    Assassin’s Fate
  • Book that crushed your soul?
    Starfish, Dear Martin, and The Hate U Give
  • Most unique book you read in 2017?
    The Tea Dragon Society
  • Book that made you the maddest (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?
    Dear Martin, The Hate U Give, and Starfish
  • Favorite supporting character?
    The entire cast of The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
  • Best audiobook?
    The Providence of Fire and Bruderlüge
  • One book you didn’t get to in 2017 but will be your number one priority in 2018?
    Just one? Really? Before the Devil Breaks You, Six Stories, and A Summer Revenge
  • Book you are most anticipating for 2018 (non-debut)?
    Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno
  • 2018 debut you are most anticipating?
    A Thousand Perfect Notes
  • Series ending/a sequel you are most anticipating in 2018?
    Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire and Vengeful by Victoria Schwab
  • Best buddy reader?
    Sebastian! We buddy read 65 books, and most of them we got to read together on the couch, which is pretty much the best thing ever.
  • Best book discusser?
  • Best book recommender?
    Bookstagram, particularly the #grimdragon community
  • Best bookish event that you participated in?
    The #grimdragon monthly challenge
  • Best moment of bookish life?
    Starting the Hobb Squad Instagram account with my friends Steph, Shari, Alyssa, and Jess. We’ve gotten to interact with Robin Hobb, host a hugely successful giveaway, and were even sent Robin Hobb’s novella by her publisher.
  • Favorite Bookstagram account you discovered in 2017?
    Way too many to list! I met so many amazing bookstagrammers this year, and I’m lucky to have them as friends. <3
  • Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?
    I met my reading goal, which I really wasn’t sure would happen after the move! Sadly, I was two away from finishing the Popsugar challenge.
  • A 2018 release you’ve already read & recommend to everyone?
    A Thousand Perfect Notes by my friend Cait. I think everyone should read it!


Female Authors: 55%
Male Authors: 45%

Adult: 66%
YA: 34%

New Reads:


How was your reading year?
Did we share any favorites?
Which hidden gems did I miss?

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29 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • AWWW I’M BLUSHING. I FEEL SO APPRECIATED. ? And mildly terrified holy heck how do I have a book coming out this year I need to hide. ? Anyway I really love stats and recap posts so this was amazing (and yay you got the pie chart working!) and also having 54% being 4 stars is pretty amazing. And you read ACOL 4 times?!? I am in awe of your rereading. I read The Gentleman’s Guide twice last year and that’s a first ever for me.

    Also holy heck how is IT so long. Who even has that many words of a story to tell.?

    So much love for Starfish. <3 And Strange truly has one of the most gorgeous covers and writing. And ahhhhh I'm excited for Summer of Salt too!! Sorry this comment is so rambly but I just want to mention all the things.?

    • Von Maraia am 4. Jan 2018 um 12:13

      I had a re(realization) yesterday that it’s 2018, which means your book is really a thing. I can hardly process it, so I have no idea what your brain must be going through. ?
      Yes, thanks for the pie chart tip! *coughs* DNF’ing helps *coughs*
      Stephen King has way too many words and could stand to lose a few. ?
      I’m still so sad I didn’t actually enjoy Strange the Dreamer!

  • 203 books ????

    I haven’t read much of what you’ve listed… although I did read TLWTASAP and I loved it so much!! All the characters were fantastic!!

    I read my first Laini T last year with Daughter of Smoke and Bone and once I finish that series I’m going to try Strange!! I hear such good things about it!!

    Happy New Year… hope you have another great year of reads! ?

    • Von Maraia am 4. Jan 2018 um 12:48

      Haha, I may need some new hobbies. ?
      Have you read the sequel to TLWTASAP yet? I missed all the characters from the first book, but I’m hopeful that they’ll make a reappearance in the third.
      Ohh, I love Daughter of Smoke and Bone! The novella is worth reading as well. I didn’t like Strange the Dreamer very much, sadly.
      Thanks for commenting, Liz! ?

  • Yay, solo-post. These are impressive stats! 🙂 I’m glad to see Robert Jackson Bennett getting a mention, and of course Robin Hobb and her Assassin’s Fate.

    • Von Maraia am 4. Jan 2018 um 12:36

      Hehe 🙂 Yes, I had to slip Robert Jackson Bennett in somewhere! I read so many books that he never quite makes my top favorites, but I still love his books and want more people to read them. I can’t wait to see what he writes next.

  • Oh this was so fun to read, Maraia! I find it interesting that a lot of the books you read aren’t on your instagram account… I guess because you read them as ebooks? That always happens with ebooks. Also, do you and Sebastian read at the same pace? I guess otherwise it would be really annoying (but that’s super cute that you buddy read so much together) Do his tastes chafe what you read, or vice versa? Also, why deer you disappointed by Strange the Dreamer?? You are rapidly convincing me that I really need to try Robin Hobb. Fantasy isn’t my favourite genre, but I do like well-written fantasy so yes.
    Starfish has such a gorgeous cover! I really must read it (although I’m confused by how there’s a jellyfish on the cover??)
    I don’t think I read any book more than twice in 2017, so you must have really loved ACOL 😀 One more question: Did you used to have your own book blog? Because it seems like you might have, i don’t know. Great roundup!

    • Von Maraia am 4. Jan 2018 um 12:07

      Thanks, Shar! Ugh, yeah. I do read a lot of books on my Kindle. Of my top 10 of the year, only 4 were physical books, and 2 of them belong to Sebastian. Also, I have a lot of pictures of books that are just sitting on my phone, waiting either for a caption or for me to feel caught up enough on comment replies to post a new photo. Bookstagram struggles. ? (I should do better about posting ebooks because I really do want to promote my favorite books, especially if they’re underrated.)
      No, we don’t read at the same pace. I’m much faster in English and he’s much faster in German. We have different ways of doing it. Either we read the same English book (he reads a physical copy & I read a library ebook) and when I’m far enough ahead I switch to another book that I’m reading on my own, or we read an English book and a German book at the same time and pass them back and forth. Then I’m the one behind. ? Sometimes we do swap two English books back and forth, but then Sebastian is behind on both. His tastes have definitely had an influence on mine! He introduced me to mysteries, thrillers, and horror novels. I’m not a huge fan EXCEPT for the fact that they’re rarely diverse and often sexist. >.< I don't think I've changed his reading tastes at all, lol. But he has tried some of my favorites! He's reading Robin Hobb, for example, even though he doesn't like fantasy. I guess if he can survive the books, you can? He struggled with the first series but is actually enjoying the second one. I can ask him if he thinks you should start with the first series anyway or give the second one a try. I started with the third series, so don't ask me, haha. I didn't like the instalove in Strange the Dreamer or the ending. You liked it, right? THE COVER MAKES NO SENSE with the title. But I love it anyway. And yes, please read it! Haha, I read ACOL four times because I wanted to read it as many times as the first two before I reread the whole series. I did not have my own blog! I resisted blogging for years (I prefer reading and commenting on other blogs), but Sebastian finally convinced me to do a couple posts with him, and then I realized that I actually do enjoy blogging as long as I don't have to do any of the formatting or graphics. ? (Sorry for the essay, HA)

  • I will never get over how much you reread. I’m impressed. I reread one book last year * shame* I also didn’t realize that you finished 203 books this year. That’s amazing! I’m really disappointed by how much I finished. In 2016 I read around 130, but in 2017 I only finished around 70. It was a weird reading year for me. It felt very slumpy. I’m hoping that’ll change for 2018. I still need to read that Katrina Leno book! 😀 😀

    • Von Maraia am 4. Jan 2018 um 13:52

      Audiobooks! I live for them. Which book did you reread? Yeah, I’m shocked about the 203 as well. I really didn’t think I’d read much once I moved! But being able to read together actually encourages us to read. I’m still reading less in the end, but Sebastian is reading more. It doesn’t feel like we’re not spending time together if we read together. ?
      That’s a huge difference. oO I hope you’ll get through lots of books while nursing! And we really need to buddy read again!

      • It was a book in The Witches of East End series. I can’t remember if I’ve told you how much I loved that TV show, before it was canceled. I want to get through the book series to get some answers, but it’s really, really bad. I had to reread the first book to refresh my memory, and I somehow made it to book three, but stopped there. And yes! I’m hoping I’ll still be able to get some reading done with a baby. I have no idea what to expect in that department. I see people manage YouTube accounts, reading, AND a baby, so I’m thinking I should be able to get SOME reading in, right?! RIGHT?! 😛

        • Von Maraia am 8. Jan 2018 um 14:35

          I think you’ve mentioned it, yeah. LOL, I hope whatever you reread this year will be more worthwhile. I feel like some people manage to take time for themselves, read, blog, etc., and some people are all baby, all the time.

  • I loved reading this, and seeing all your stats! I’m very excited to track my reading stats this year.

    I will always remember 2017 as the year we started the Hobb Squad group! It’s been an amazing experience so far and I’m so glad we got a chance to do it and share the Hobb love with everybody. <3 Fitz, the Fool, and Nighteyes. <333

    I really hope you enjoy Before the Devil Breaks You!

    • Von Maraia am 8. Jan 2018 um 14:13

      Thanks, Steph! And for commenting. ? Did you use Crini’s spreadsheet last year, or is this the first year you’re keeping track of everything?

      Yes!! And we have so many amazing books, chats, and experiences ahead of us. ?

      Thanks! I’m sure I will. ?

  • I had a pretty good reading year. I read 240 books, which is the most ever! Like you I LOVED Strange the Dreamer. I also have Starfish from the library at the moment and I“m looking forward to reading it. I loved Dramaticaly Ever After and Untidy Towns which sadly aren’t published outside their own countries but worked really well for me nonetheless.

    • Von Maraia am 8. Jan 2018 um 14:45

      Wow!! That’s amazing. Have you started Starfish yet? I really hope you love it. It’s so painful, though. I haven’t heard of either of those books! It’s frustrating when your favorite books are available to such a limited audience.

  • 43 rereads? How does one even? That’s amazing. I’m in awe. I must complete the trio and read Starfish so I can be crushed by all three of the books you listed. Happy 2018!

    • Von Maraia am 8. Jan 2018 um 14:08

      Most of them were audiobooks! They make rereading so much easier. Yes, please read Starfish!!

  • Oh you read and reread so many books Maraia! Haha I can’t believe you already read A Conjuring of Light 4 times. That is dedication. 😀 Starfish has such an insanely gorgeous cover.

    • Von Maraia am 8. Jan 2018 um 14:51

      Haha, I love rereading! And audiobooks are the perfect way. Are you thinking about reading Starfish? It really is an amazing book.

  • HOLY CRAP. I got sidetracked at the beginning: „Number of books you read? 203.“ You go girl!!

  • Take aways from this:

    I really need to read some Hobb, but I can’t remember which book you said to start with?!
    I really need to read Starfish, Dear Martin, and some Katrina Leno
    I REALLY need to read Strange the Dreamer, since I love Laini!
    I’m excited for Cait’s book – we’ve discussed that she’s very thoughtfully bringing it out a week before my birthday so I have time to get someone to get it for me! Haha!
    I love that you’ve read ACOL 4 times – I’m currently reading it and I already get why you would!

    • Von Maraia am 11. Jan 2018 um 20:53

      Assassin’s Apprentice, book one of the Farseer trilogy. ?
      Yes yes yes to all of those. Starfish nearly killed me, please read it. ?
      I hope you like Stranger the Dreamer more than I did, lol.
      Gaah, I want to order copies of Cait’s book for everyone I know, but $$$$ I can’t wait to see what you think of it! I can’t even imagine how nerve-wracking it must be to have a debut novel coming out.
      Eeep, enjoy! I need to read your post about it.

  • 203? OMG, you’re insane xD I just realized that I really, really need to read a Hobb book this year. I’ve been meaning to for months and it escapes me now why I didn’t put it on my to-read-in-2018-list.

  • Ohhhh yes I love The Unhewn Throne trilogy too, at least the first two! I still need to get to the third and that other one! And Xandri Corelel OF COURSE
    Lullby to a lost world was also my shortest!! what a gorgeous cover.

    I love the way you did this survey!

    • Von Maraia am 13. Jan 2018 um 17:12

      The second was my favorite, but the third book is still amazing. I hope you get to read it soon!

      Thanks, Lucille! I asked Sebastian to add some pictures for me to make it less boring. ?