Kategorie: Top 10 Tuesday
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“Top 10 Tuesday” is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish

This TTT topic is like a gentle kick in the butt, forcing us to think about all the books we should have already read. As if we needed the reminder. How many of us don’t suffer from TBR guilt once or ten times a week? Let’s hope that this post at least helps us to catch up on some great books that we might have missed out on last year – maybe we‘ll at least manage to read half of these books listed below ?

Before the Devil Breaks You – Libba Bray
Even though Sebastian had this preordered, Maraia’s library copy just came in last week, and it’s so much easier if we each have our own copy to read. Hopefully now we can read it soon! Or at least in time for the last book. ?

The Dire King – William Ritter
As far as we can remember we both really enjoyed Ghostly Echoes, the third book in William Ritter’s unique fantasy mystery series, and even found it to be the best novel so far. Maybe it’s because we’re dreading the end of Jackaby’s and Abigail’s story that we still haven’t read the final book yet, but we’d better read it soon or we might need a re-read to refresh our memories…

Godsgrave – Jay Kristoff
We’re both looking forward to this book, although maybe for different reasons. Sebastian struggled to get into the story, but he really liked it and wants to know what happens next. Maraia thought it was pretty terrible until the last 100 pages, and she wants to know if the next one is any better/what she’s missing that makes everyone completely obsessed with this series.

The White Road – Sarah Lotz
We are both huge fans of Sarah Lotz’s novel The Three but unfortunately Sebastian was a bit disappointed by the follow-up, Day Four. Maybe that’s why we haven’t gotten to read her latest novel yet even though we’re still pretty excited about it – especially because of the interesting Mount Everest setting!

Thunderbird – Chuck Wendig
The first three Miriam Black books are some of our favorites ever, but we still haven’t read book four yet, despite the fact that we’ve been waiting ages for it. The next one comes out this month and the last one next year, so we were torn between wanting to read Thunderbird immediately (obviously that one didn’t happen), wanting to reread the first three books and then read Thunderbird, and wanting to wait until the series is complete and then binging them all.

Bad Blood – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
We loved All In, the previous book in the series, (it even made it onto Sebastian’s top 10 list of 2017), but somehow we still haven’t read this one. Maybe we just don’t want the series to be over!

Time Siege – Wesley Chu
Not having read this yet is doubly embarrassing – not only was it a gift, but it was also on our Top Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2016 post from last year. We really hope it won’t you won’t see it again next January.

Six Stories – Matt Wesolowski
This comes highly recommended by several bookstagrammer friends, but we couldn’t find it at the library. Fortunately, Maraia gave it to Sebastian for Christmas, so now we have no excuse not to read it. ?

Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier – Mark Frost
When we read the first Twin Peaks companion novel late in 2016, we were really surprised how well the concept worked and how interesting all these background stories about the Twin Peaks universe were – especially because they were convincingly connected to actual events in the American history. We also haven’t watched the new episodes of the TV show yet so there’s definitely some catching up to do in 2018!

Waking Gods – Sylvain Neuvel
While we were not as impressed by Sleeping Giants as what seems to be everybody else we still want to give this series another try and are still curious about what will happen next – maybe we’ll just binge all three books once the third one comes out this spring.

Which books you meant to read last year
are still on your TBR for 2018?

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46 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • I feel exactly the same way about Waking Gods. I want to read it even though Sleeping Giants didn’t really blow me away. I’m still curious. 🙂 And Time Siege wasn’t bad, I haven’t seen anything lately on book three but I’m hopeful!

    • I’m glad we’re not the only ones who couldn’t join the hype about „Waking Gods“ 😀 I just felt there was so much wasted potential in the first book and had expected the concept to be a bit more creative (like „Illuminae“ for example) but then it was mostly interviews and not much else… But I’m still curious about the series because I liked the story idea and book 2 seems to get so much praise… 😀

      I really enjoyed „Time Siege“ and we had originally planned to read book 1 and 2 back to back, I have no idea why that didn’t work out XD I didn’t even know there was going to be a third book?

    • Von Maraia am 9. Jan. 2018 um 11:07

      I also didn’t realize there was going to be a third book! Hopefully we’ll actually manage to read Time Siege before then. xD

  • Ohh yes Godsgrave is on my TBR too.? Although I confess when I reread Nevernight I freaking loved it (the audio was pretty fantastic too) so I’m excited for Godsgrave but have this ridiculous fear of huge books, so. Procrastination = me. I hope you both end up liking all the sequels you have on here though!! I feel like sometimes sequels improve everything or are terrifying in case they’re a let down. ?

    • I can only hardly imagine listening to the Nevernight audiobook – how did those massive footnotes work in that version? I think that’s also the main reason why I haven’t picked up the sequel yet – I’m not sure I’m already ready for pages and pages of footnotes again ?

    • Von Maraia am 9. Jan. 2018 um 20:07

      I’ve heard the audiobook is really good, but yeah, I just can’t imagine how it works with the footnotes. Maybe I’d like it better. ?

  • I had Nevernight on my list. I really hope that I can get to that and Godsgrave this year. It`s a series that a lot of people seem to love.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    • The upside of not having read „Nevernight“ last year is that you can binge the first two books now – I’m pretty sure that helps a lot with this series! I unfortunately already have forgotten most of what had happened in „Nevernight“… ?

  • Oh I’ve had Wesley Chu books on my wishlist for ages. I’m so curious about it! The same goes for Jackaby. You guys mentioning it each time makes me more curious about it haha.

    I hope you will get to some of these (or rather all of these) this year.

    • Haha, do we really mention Jackaby THAT often? I bet half the time it’s because of the pretty book covers XD But they’re also really worth reading! 😉

  • *fangirl sceam* Whaaat, you didn’t like „Sleeping Giants“? What didn’t you like about it? It’s one of my favourite series and I’m so excited for the finale in march.
    There are some first-series-books on my tbr which I will read in the next weeks – „A court of thornes and roses“, „Nevernight“ and „Nyxia“. Currently I’m finally reading the first „The Expanse“ book, do you know the series?
    How do you manage to buddy read books? Do each of you have a copy of all the books, or is one listening to the audiobook? I read the last „Red Rising“ book together with my boyfried and it was a constant „It’s my turn, give me back the book“ 😀

    • We didn’t say that we didn’t like „Sleeping Giants“, but the hype somehow made the book sound way cooler than it actually turned out for us. I remember that I really didn’t like the gaps in the narration and had the feeling that all the cool and exciting stuff happened between the scenes that were told and that the reader was never really IN the action itself. I also had expected more variety when it comes to the dossier style, in the end it was mostly interviews but nothing else – „Illuminae“ for example does that so much better…

      We usually buddy read two books at the same time, so that one starts with book 1 and the other one with book 2. After about an hour we switch books and catch up to where the other one stopped. We’re still a bit surprised that it works so well for us 😀 Sometimes I also read the German version (for example when it’s a review copy I got) and Maraia reads the English version that she got from her library. That way we can read the same book with almost the same pace 😉

  • I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Twin Peaks novel at all. How interesting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    • And it was really good! Actually the TV show itself played a rather minor role in the book and most of the story was about alien conspiracies and stuff like that but they linked it to the Twin Peaks universe in a very interesting way. And the book is also really pretty! 😀

  • Thank you for the advice about Artemis. I can’t give you any advice on your selections as I’ve read none of them, though I have met the author William Ritter. I read the first book in that series.

    • Wow, that’s really cool, where did you meet him? Are you still planning to read the other books or didn’t you like the first Jackaby novel that much?

  • I hope you both enjoy all of these!

  • I’ve been meaning to read Godsgrave too. I’m on Sebastian’s side, I really liked Nevernight and want to know what happens next.

    • Haha, thanks for joining my side 😀 I have to admit though that I wanted to through „Nevernight“ against the wall after the first half, those super long footnotes were just so annoying. But it got better in the second half without that many interruptions and since I already own „Godsgrave“ I’m definitely going to read it! 🙂

  • I just bought the Chuck Wendig series (except the new one) for really cheap on Book Outlet – hope I like it. I’m bad about picking up the entire series when I can). I need to get Godsgrave but maybe I should read Nevernight first huh? Hope you enjoy all of these books and thanks for stopping by The Farm earlier.

    • Oh, I *definitely* recommend reading „Nevernight“ first, I’m really not a fan of jumping right into the middle of a series ;D

      Yay for getting the Chuck Wendig novels! I hope you’ll enjoy them, they’re quite dark but very addictive! 😉

  • Ah Godsgrave is on my TBR as well! I did end up loving Nevernight, but it took me a long time before I got into it, so maybe that’s why I’m procrastinating reading Godsgrave… Hope we’ll both get to it this year though 🙂

    • Haha, I feel pretty much the same about Nevernight/Godsgrave. I really hated the first half of Nevernight because those crazy footnotes kept interrupting me but the second half was much easier to read and while I didn’t *love* it I still enjoyed reading it. But I guess I’m kinda afraid that it will be the same with Godsgrave, that’s probably why I haven’t read it yet 😀

  • I haven’t read any of these books. I do hope you enjoy them though when you get around to them!

  • Great list! I wanted to read Six Stories as well and never got around to it. Hopefully this year we can finally read the books we meant to read last year!

    • I really want to tackle my TBR this year and only buy new books that I *really* want to read, so I hope that helps me pick up books like those mentioned above 😀

      We want to read „Six Stories“ as soon as possible now that I’ve gotten it for Christmas!

  • Von Lynn am 9. Jan. 2018 um 22:59

    I love your list and I could also add Before the Devil Breaks you and Waking Gods to my list.
    Lynn 😀

  • I haven’t read any of these – they certainly look interesting.

  • Ah, I really want to get to the rest of the Diviners series and I’m really excited to see the third one is out, though I haven’t read it yet. Hopefully this year, fingers crossed!

  • Interesting post! I’m somehow completely uninterested in the Nevernight series. It sounds way too bloody for me and just not my thing at all. Sleeping Giants *sounds* good, although I haven’t read it so I can’t really say? I think my sister liked it and she always tells me what to read (more like advises). Anyway, I want to finally finish the Chaos Walking series and read a lot of adult novels that I’ve heard good things about 🙂

    • Von Maraia am 10. Jan. 2018 um 13:16

      Haha, well, I did’t like it nearly enough to recommend changing your mind. ? Let me know if you like Sleeping Giants if you read it! I can’t remember if you’ve already read Illuminae? I’m sure you have lots of great books ahead of you, whatever you end up reading! ?

  • I love your list. I need to start reading both Sarah Lotz and Chuck Wendig.

  • Wow, you have so many awesome books to read! I’ve read a bunch of these: Godsgrave, Time Siege, Waking Gods, and Thunderbird. I’m dying to read The White Road. Good luck!

  • I loved Bad Blood and thought it was a great series ender. I hope you get an opportunity to read it this year!

    • Von Maraia am 10. Jan. 2018 um 13:21

      I can’t wait to read it! But I still don’t want it to be over. Do you know if she has another series in the works already?

  • I just finished reading Nevernight so I’m really looking forward to Godsgrave now too.

  • Oh same for Time Siege! I was excited about it but never got to it?? That cover is so beautiful though.
    Well, at least you’ll be able to get into Only Human right after Waking Gods!!
    Ohhhh I need to read the Miriam Black series, I heard such amazing things about it!!

    • Von Maraia am 13. Jan. 2018 um 17:25

      There are so many books! I feel like every one we do read is another one being sacrificed. ?

      Yes, you’ll love Miriam Black!