I’m pretty sure it doesn’t really look as if I’m successfully restraining myself from buying a lot of book this year but the truth is that I’ve only bought four physical books by myself in the first two months of 2017 which I’m actually a little bit proud of. „Unfortunately“ my TBR isn’t really getting any smaller because once again I got a few review copies and surprising book mail – I’m definitely not complaining though 😀

  • Auslöschung („Annihilation“) – Jeff VanderMeer
    I’ve already read the English version of the first book in the Southern Reach trilogy but I’m still glad I got a review copy of the German one because I can use it when I need to re-read the book before watching the movie which comes out sometime this year. Also I really like the cover of this edition.
  • Des Teufels Gebetbuch – Markus Heitz
    While I’m not really interested in Heitz‘ fantasy novels I always enjoy his mystery thrillers so that I was happy to find a review copy of his newest book in my mail. This story is about a cursed card game and the first chapters were already quite promising.
  • Wer die Hunde weckt – Achim Zons
    You can never listen to enough audiobooks that are narrated by David Nathan so I’m already looking forward to starting this political thriller about a journalist who investigates an attack that killed a CIA agent and almost led to his own death.

  • Der Erlöser („The Redeemer“) – Jo Nesbø
    When I went through my wishlist(s) last month and saw all the older titles on it I made the decision to either get the books I still want to read or throw them off my list. With the new Harry Hole book coming out this fall I thought that I should finally catch up on this series and therefore got the sixth book to read it asap.
  • Ragdoll – Daniel Cole
    This book was one of my most anticipated thrillers this year and while I didn’t have it pre-ordered I apparently haven’t been able to resist it for a very long time. I already heard quite a few good things about the book and hope it can live up to my expectations!
  • Das Mädchen im Dunkeln („Before I Let You In“) – Jenny Blackhurst
    I talked about Jenny Blackhurst’s new psychological thriller in my February preview and thanks to Sandy who read my post I found a shiny copy of the book in my mail only two days later. Thank you so much again, I’m already looking forward to reading it! 🙂

  • Mission: Spiel auf Zeit – Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
    I’ve been a huge fan of Douglas Preston’s and Lincoln Child’s Agent Pendergast series for many years now but I was always a bit reluctant to start their Gideon Crew series because especially the first book has gotten very mixed reviews. The later books are getting much better ratings though so that I decided it’s worth giving the series a try.
  • Jonah: Die Lehrjahre – Rebecca Gablé
    I really can’t say that I’m a huge fan of historical fiction (unless it’s historical crime fiction set in the Victorian era) so that I never really wasted a thought on reading one of Rebecca Gablé’s novels. However Yvonne strongly recommended the books AND it’s an audio drama production which are almost always excellent so I’m just going to give it a shot.
  • Zersetzt – Michael Tsokos
    Like I said above I can’t ever get enough of audiobooks narrated by David Nathan so that I didn’t mind at all that the publisher switched from Simon Jäger to Nathan to read this true crime series by one of Germany’s most famous medical examiners. In fact it was even the main reason to get this second book since I had mixed feelings about the first one.

Did you already read any of these books?
Which books did you get in February?

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  • I swear you get a new book every other day. Your poor TBR. XD But I guess buying only 4 books in 2 months is pretty restrained for most bloggers. ;P

    Our list of audiobooks is getting so out of control. We need more hours in the day!