TTT “Top 10 Tuesday” is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish

This week’s TTT is super easy because all I had to do was go through my „Read“ shelf on Goodreads and list the books that recently got a 5-star rating from me. I decided to list all my recent 5-star reads because actually I don’t give this highest rating very often so that I didn’t see the need in going back even further than I already had to and then choose any favorites from all the 5-star books. To find the 10th book for my list I had to go back until last August so I think you get an idea about how often I actually give 5 stars to a book. I also didn’t count re-reads because then a third of this list would have been Harry Potter 😀 So if you don’t know what to read next and are searching for your next favorite book, then I’m sure that the following 10 books won’t disappoint you 😉


Papierjunge (engl. „The Chosen“) – Kristina Ohlsson
This book is already the 5th one in the Fredrika Bergman and Alex Recht series and none of these books has ever disappointed me. I feel like this series is getting even better with every new book, so if you’re looking for a gripping Swedish crime series then I strongly recommend this one!

Morning Star – Pierce Brown
Thanks to the first two books I had high expectations for the final book of the Red Rising trilogy and „Morning Star“ could totally live up to them. I liked it more than „Golden Son“ and think it’s a very satisfying conclusion to this series even though some parts naturally hurt a lot^^

The Knife of Never Letting Go – Patrick Ness
I was actually pretty afraid that this book wouldn’t be able to live up to my expectations because based on the raving recommendations of so many trusted fellow book nerds I had really high hopes for this one and am so glad that it did NOT disappoint me. I haven’t started the sequel(s) yet because I’m a little bit scared of what’s coming next but I’m definitely going to read „The Ask and the Answer“ soon! 😀

Illuminae – Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
My second favorite book in 2015! I knew I would love the concept of this book because I love it when stories are told through diaries, interviews, emails and the like but I was a bit afraid that the romance would annoy me – turned out I loved the two protagonists just as much as the rest of the book^^

Career of Evil – Robert Galbraith
I loved the first crime novel by J.K. Rowling but was a bit disappointed by the second one, so I was quite relieved that book 3 in the Cormoran Strike series turned out to be just as good as „The Cuckoo’s Calling“, probably even better. I just love Strike and his partner Robin acting together and they are actually one of my very few ships, so don’t disappoint me, Joanne! 😀


Finderlohn (engl. „Finders Keepers“) – Stephen King
I already liked the first part of King’s Bill Hodges trilogy a lot but enjoyed the second book even more, probably because the crime case was quite bookish this time. I’m a big fan of Stephen King’s horror novels but I think I like it even more when he writes crime fiction, especially with such lovable characters as in this series. And of course David Nathan’s audiobook narration was as awesome as always! 😀

Moriarty – Anthony Horowitz
A Sherlock Holmes novel that is titled „Moriarty“ but in which neither Sherlock nor Moriarty show up – sounds pretty stupid but it actually became my favorite Sherlock Holmes story so far – and I’ve read quite a lot of them. I didn’t even miss the usual Doyle characters because Horowitz did a very good job creating the typical atmosphere and the plot twist at the end of the book alone was already worth reading it.

14 – Peter Clines
I only read this book because I massively enjoyed Peter Clines‘ SciFi thriller „The Fold“ and even though it’s a completely different kind of story I loved „14“ just as much – especially because both books are set in the same universe and there are some cool connections to discover!

The Lies of Locke Lamora – Scott Lynch
I had no idea what to expect from this book and went into this story completely blind which was probably a good idea because I didn’t have any high expectations – and the story was SO GOOD. I immediately fell in love with the setting and had so much fun with all these little heists and deceptions and just loved all the twists and turns.

Im Augenblick des Todes – Vincent Kliesch
Imagine a Sherlock Holmes vs. James Moriarty duel in 21st century Berlin and you get a pretty good idea of this second book in the Severin Boesherz series. A very gripping thriller with two eccentric protagonists, a tricky plot and lots of suspense – just the way I like it 🙂

Which books did you recently give 5 stars to?

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15 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • I’m so glad to see someone talking about Moriarty. I’ve wanted to read it for awhile, but I never hear anything about it. Thank you for the recommendations.


    I have „Moriarty“ on my wish list. I can’t wait to get to it.

    • MORNING STAR was such a good conclusion to the series!

      Have you also read the first Sherlock Holmes book by Anthony Horowitz, THE HOUSE OF SILK? It was just as good as MORIARTY!

  • So many awesome books on your list, these are ones I have either loved myself or am desperate to read. Morning Star was sooooo good and such a wonderful ending to that series. Illuminae was so good too, can’t wait for the next book in that series. I am definitely going to be adding some of these to my already endless TBR, so thanks for the awesome recommendations!!! 🙂 Here’s my most recent five star reads, if you want to check them out 🙂

    • Yes, I’m already dying to read GEMINA and hope that it’s going to be as awesome as ILLUMINAE!

      And I’m also excited about Pierce Brown’s new series! 🙂

  • Illuminae made my list this week, too. I really need to read Pierce Brown. 🙂

    Check out my TTT.

  • I guess you really have given me a lot of your top recommendations already, since I’ve already read 9 out of 10 of these. xD (Although only 3 of them were recommendations from you. :P)

  • Glad you enjoyed The Knife of Never Letting Go, it’s on my TBR.
    My TTT:

  • YAY for TKONLG – I’m so glad you read and loved it! I’ve found people either love it or they hate it. And it’s always awkward when they hate it because I love it SO MUCH. I am just about to finish my reread via audio – highly recommend that book on audio BTW. I really need to read the Red Rising series after hearing everyone’s love for it. I read Illuminae recently but I only gave it 4 stars – the hype kinda let me down, even though it was a pretty solid book. I was just expecting more. I haven’t read any of the rest of your list – I need to change that haha! I especially want to read The Lies of Locke Lamora and the Red Rising series!

    • I can’t wait for you to read the RED RISING trilogy, I’m still surprised you haven’t read it already 😀

      4 stars for ILLUMINAE is still pretty good, I think I can live with that ;D

      I absolutely LOVED THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA but unfortunately didn’t enjoy the sequel very much, so I hope the third book will be much better again.

      And I’m already excited about THE ASK AND THE ANSWER, especially after these Bookish Games! 😀