We are now right in the middle of our „The Flight of the Silvers“ read-along and we hope you’re still enjoying the book! It also means that it’s time for our second discussion round where we would like to talk a little bit about the unsual setting of the story, one of its mysterious characters and about how you […]

It’s been four days since we started our „The Flight of the Silvers“ read-along which means it’s time for our first little discussion! We hope some of you have already started reading yet and are enjoying the book so far and are probably asking yourselves what the hell is going on in the story 😀 […]

Now that we are already two weeks into „The Month of the Silvers“ and we can for sure assume that you all got yourself a copy of Daniel Price’s „The Flight of the Silvers“ (in case you haven’t: DO IT RIGHT NOW!) it’s finally time to start our read-along!

While you can still sign up for our „Catch the Silvers“ party game and take part in an exciting chase through San Diego it’s time for our first „real“ post of the „Month of the Silvers“. To introduce you a little more to the „Flight of the Silvers“ universe, we asked author Daniel Price to answer a […]

2015 steht vor der Tür und damit auch schon gleich eines der ersten Highlights des Jahres, nämlich das Erscheinen der Taschenbuchausgabe von Daniel Prices „The Flight of the Silvers“. Und um dies ausgiebig zu feiern und eines unserer absoluten Buchhighlights 2014 entsprechend zu würdigen, haben Crini und ich für den Januar ein ganz besonders Event geplant: THE […]