September was even busier than August, but we had a lot more fun. Maraia’s parents came to visit for two weeks, so we spent a lot of time showing them around our area, with a 5-day trip to Edinburgh in the middle. We want to write a post about our adventures, so we’ll only show you a little preview in form of some pictures here. Needless to say, reading and TV took a back seat. But no regrets!

Books & Audiobooks

The Leopard – Jø Nesbo
Though not quite as thrilling as the previous novel, The Leopard, we still enjoyed it a lot. We can’t get enough of the melancholy Harry Hole. We also love how cases from earlier novels always find their way back into later ones. The series clearly took a lot of planning on Jø Nesbo’s part.

Royal Assassin – Robin Hobb
While Maraia is still beaming with joy from having re-read one of her favorite books and liked it even more than the first time, Sebastian feels like he may finally have arrived in the Hobb universe even though the beginning was reeeeaaaaally slow and once again he sometimes had a hard time to keep his impatience under control. However the second half was really good and after that ending he definitely has to know how Fitz‘ story continues.

Deadline – Mira Grant
Seventeen. Hours. And. Nothing. Happened.

Gejagt – Thomas Enger
It’s a little bit annoying how Thomas Enger uses the same cliffhanger for every book in the Henning Juul series but as long as it works I guess you can hardly blame him. I liked that Henning ex-wife Nora got a bigger role in this story and the case was interesting as well, so I’m looking forward to the next and final book in this series!

Prey – James Carol
I have to admit that I didn’t like the first two books in the Jefferson Winter series that much because a) they didn’t feel very original and b) the main character was quite an asshole but surprisingly book 3 was much better in both aspects. If the series continues like this then I’ll definitely won’t give up on it.

Seelenangst – Veit Etzold
It feels like it’s been ages since I read the first book in the Clara Vidalis thriller series and the fact that it took me so long to pick up book 2 shows that I wasn’t very impressed by Final Cut back then but the sequel really had me hooked and I was surprised how dark and violent it was. I’m sure I won’t wait that long again to start the next book. 

Murder Park – Jonas Winner
I had high hopes for this German thriller which was about a murder series in a serial killer theme park on a lonely island and I’m glad that this book could completely live up to the exciting setting. It felt a bit like a modern version of Agatha Christie’s And then there were none and simply gave me everything that I wanted from this book.

The Three-Body Problem – Liu Cixin
It took me a while to pick this SciFi novel up from my TBR since I was afraid that it would be too sophisticated for me but even though the book was super challenging because of the scientific language and the unfamiliar setting (the Chinese revolution) I enjoyed it a lot and found Liu Cixin’s ideas really intriguing. Can’t wait to see how this trilogy continues!

Lioness Rampant – Tamora Pierce
I finished my re-listen of the Song of the Lioness Quartet and loved it just as much as ever. I’m already ready to listen again.

Dead Simple & Looking Good Dead – Peter James
I finally started reading Peter James, and it didn’t disappoint! The first book was especially good, hooking me from page one. The second wasn’t quite as strong, but I’m looking forward to reading the rest of this mystery-thriller series.

Barrayar – Lois McMaster Bujold
I was expecting this to be even better than the first book, which I read last month, but I actually liked it slightly less. Barrayar is still a great book, but it doesn’t have quite as much humor, which I missed. I definitely want to continue the series, though.

Failure to Communicate & Testing Pandora – Kaia Sønderby
Failure to Communicate was the definite highlight of the month. It’s a science fiction novel written by an autistic author about an autistic protagonist, who is also bisexual. And the diversity doesn’t stop there. It’s also light on romance and has great friendships. What more could you ask for? Testing Pandora is a prequel novella that I read after Failure to Communicate. Even though I don’t always enjoy short stories, this one was just as good as the novel, except that it was, of course, too short.

Words in Deep Blue – Cath Crowley
I went into this solely based on Cait’s recommendation, with no expectations or knowledge of the plot. I’m very glad I did, because it made my bookworm heart happy. This is a sad, thoughtful book, but it’s also filled with so much love for the written word that reading it feels like getting a big hug.

Our Dark Duet – Victoria Schwab
This was an audio reread, and I enjoyed it even more than the first time around. The narration is so easy to listen to! In the first book, August was my favorite, but it’s Kate who shines in the second. I still like the first book better overall, though.


We haven’t watched a single movie this month so that was quite a fail, but we really hope we’re going to see IT soon!

TV Shows


  • SUITS: We finished season 6, which ended stronger than it began, and now we’re impatiently waiting for season 7 to end so we can binge it – even though the season 6 ending would already have made for a satisfying ending of the whole show.
  • FRESH OFF THE BOAT: We’re still working our way through this hilarious show, and the good thing about not being able to watch it for several weeks is that we still have plenty of episodes left!
  • STRIKE – THE CUCKOO’S CALLING/THE SILKWORM: Three episodes weren’t enough to do the first book justice. Unlike in the book, the show deals very little with the actual case, and there was almost no explanation as to how Strike solved it. The Silkworm was our least favorite of the books, but it surprisingly made for a better show than The Cuckoo’s Calling. Now we’re curious how season 2 with the Career of Evil adaption will turn out to be!
  • DOCTOR FOSTER: Maraia didn’t pay attention, as usual, and was expecting another BBC crime show. No one’s been murdered (so far), unfortunately, and dramas about cheating husbands aren’t really our thing. We did finish the season, but we can’t say that we enjoyed it (even though Sebastian found some scenes quite entertaining in a very painful way^^).

How was your September?
Did you read any good books?

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25 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • Sounds like you had a good September! Will be curious to see your post on the trip!

    Good to hear The Three-Body Problem is good. I’ve had my eye on that for a bit but was a bit intimidated by it as well so I never purchased it. Haha and I’ve seen Doctor Foster as well, last year when it was on late at night and I couldn’t sleep. Only reason I watched it, haha.

    • We’ll try to get it done soon(ish)!

      That’s exactly why I decided not to read it with Sebastian. /o\ Hahaha, are you going to watch the second season?

      • Maybe you should have! ;P But to be honest I’m still not sure if you would have enjoyed it since it was so full of science and I can’t think of a similar book we’ve read so it’s hard to say 😀

    • I hope we’ll find the time to do the post soon or it will probably never happen XD But it is a good motivation to know that people are interested in reading it! 😀

      When I was reading „The Three-Body Problem“ I had the feeling as if I was only understanding half of what was happening but somehow that didn’t bother me at all. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that deserved the classification „SCIENCE fiction“ more than this one but it was really interesting to read all the theories and all the scientific details also made the plot seem more realistic.

      When we watched the first season of „Doctor Foster“ I had the feeling that it was somehow all over the place because apparently season 2 just aired on BBC and I saw it a lot on Twitter, but I really don’t get why it’s so popular 😀

  • What did you think of Edinburgh? It’s one of my favourite places! I’m dying to go back. Did your parents enjoy the trip, Maraia?

    So, Mira Grant’s books continue to be really freakin‘ slow? XD

    • Von Maraia am 10. Okt. 2017 um 19:49

      It was amazing! I want to go back, too. My parents also loved it, and everyone got along really well, even in our small-ish rental apartment, so that made me really happy. ?

      Haha, have you read one? The second was definitely worse than the first.

    • I absolutely love the city but it was already my third trip to Edinburgh so I wasn’t surprised that I enjoyed it (again) 🙂 Maybe you should meet us there next time 😉

      The second book was really painfully slow. I didn’t find it exactly boring because I still like the detailed worldbuilding and the blogger perspective but I had the feeling that there was no plot at all in book 2?

  • Teddy and I have also started Fresh off the Boat! So great! The family dynamics made us think about Malcolm a little bit, mostly the parents! But yeah, soooo good!

    Ohhh I really need to pick up The Three Body Problem, can’t believe I haven’t read it yet!!
    Yay for Royal Assassin! Glad that Sebastian was intrigued by this ending ;))

    So happy that you loved Failure to communicate Maraia!! :‘) <3
    I need to take a look at Words in Deep Blue, it had already been recommended to me by a french friend!

    You guys seem to have had a really nice month 😀
    Happy october!

    • Von Maraia am 10. Okt. 2017 um 19:03

      Ooh, yay, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I love Jessica so much. I’ve never seen Malcolm!

      Let’s hope he doesn’t swear off Robin Hobb completely during Assassin’s Quest. ?

      I’m so glad you recommended it! Now we need to convince everyone else to read it. Cait of Paper Fury is going to read it soon, so hopefully that will bring it lots of attention. And I think you’d like Words in Deep Blue.

      Happy October to you. ?

      • I can definitely say already that „Assasin’s Quest“ had by far the most interesting beginning out of those first three books so there’s hope for you guys ;P

        • Von Maraia am 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:17

          700 pages later… xD

          • Only now realising that I forgot to check for your answers here, oops ><

            We stopped with Fresh off the boat for a while because we also started the good place and mindhunter and then stranger things 2 but I can't wait to get back to this lovely family! It's so nice to have so many good shows to b excited about!

            I'm so happy that Cait is going to read it!! I'm really hoping she'll like it as much as we did!! This book deserve to be loved by so many!

            I think the Three Body Problem will be a 2018 read for me, but it's definitely one I'm excited to read! Yeah I saw that it was hard SF and I'm surprised for the same reason! It's nice to see such a book getting such praise!

          • Von Maraia am 5. Nov. 2017 um 21:56

            Haha, no worries.

            We just started Mindhunter. The first episode was sooo slow, though. /o\ I keep hearing about The Good Place. We need to watch it! Right now we’re catching up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

            I hope she loves it because then she can convince a ton of other people to read it, haha.

          • Stranger Things 2 was SO good, I enjoyed it at least as much as the first season!

            Like Maraia said, we only just started „Mindhunter“ and while it got a bit better after the first episode I’m still missing some real suspense, even though it’s interesting to see the beginnings of criminal profiling.

            I’m glad you’re going to try „The Three Body Problem“, I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did! I should definitely read the sequel(s) soon before I forget everything what happened in book 1 😀

    • Interesting comparison! I used to watch Malcolm from time to time when I was younger but never got into it that much. I absolutely LOVE „Fresh of the Boat“ though and I’m already dreading the time when we have to wait for new episodes after all our binging 🙁

      I really enjoyed „The Three-Body Problem“ but to be honest I’m actually a bit surprised it’s such a huge success given that the science aspect is so strong and half of the explanations are probably impossible to understand for average readers 😀 For me it worked anyway though, so I’m curious to see what you’ll think of it!

  • I’m still so so glad you liked Words in Deep Blue, Maraia!! I mean. My recommendations are always good. (Ok shh let’s just pretend it’s true at least.?) And I’m SO excited to read Failure to Communicate!! I actually don’t have a lot of pressing books on my TBR right now so I should be able to get to it soon!?? And Our Dark Duet…. ?

    • Von Maraia am 10. Okt. 2017 um 19:18

      *coughs*Gork*coughs* Moving on… I’m glad I read it, too! I hope you love Failure to Communicate as much as I do. I’m nervous. Please do read it soon so I can stop worrying. ?

  • I still need to read Our Dark Duet. There’s just so many new releases poppy up that I sometimes can’t find the time. Hopefully I can get to it by the end of the year. Enjoy your October!

    • Von Maraia am 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:05

      I know the feeling! I hope you manage to read it this year, though. Have a great October as well! ?

  • I’m so jealous of your Edinburgh trip! It’s looks so lovely there, I definitely need to go! I’ll get your bookshop recommendations when I do!

    I love that you were all like „books took a back seat, so I only got through 10“, Maraia ? only you!

    FTC sounds really interesting! Did I tell you I just bought THUG? It was only £2!!

    Great round up, guys!

    • Von Maraia am 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:19

      Wait, have you not been there yet? You really should go. I’d be happy to go back!

      LOL, but several of them were short! I read the least number of pages I’ve read all year. 😛

      Ooh, yay, what a great find. It’s so good! I can’t wait for you to read it.

  • Great photos! I’m looking forward to that post about adventures. =D

    Oh yes, Kate is definitely the main character of Our Dark Duet! I don’t know which book I like better, though… I definitely want to give Words in Deep Blue a try when I’m in the mood for contemporaries again.

    I also thought season 6 was a perfect ending to Suits, but looks like they’re not planning to end the show anytime soon and they’re also moving ahead with giving Jessica her own spin-off which I’m totally not interested in watching. I haven’t watched season 7 yet.

    Fresh Off the Boat is back with a bang for the new season and it’s hilarious because Eddy even looks like he’s going through puberty now.

    • Von Maraia am 12. Okt. 2017 um 11:43

      Let’s hope we actually do it, lol.

      I guess you have to reread and find out. 😛 I really think you’d like Words in Deep Blue!

      Ugh, I wish they’d just stop. Are you planning to watch the new season? I have no interest in a Jessica spinoff, either, which is sad because I’d love a show about a powerful black woman lawyer who isn’t completely awful like Annalise. xD

      Hahaha, omg, I can’t wait for that. I didn’t realize the new season had already started, but that makes me feel better about season 3 ending soon.

    • I don’t think I could handle a whole show about Jessica. Somehow I feel about that actress the same way I feel about Terrence Howard – I just hate her in every single role XD I have to admit Jessica had some nice scenes throughout the first 6 seasons (especially the later ones) but I don’t think I will miss her much… 😀

      Oh no, now I’m a bit afraid to start watching season 4, it was already hard for me to get used to Emery’s puberty voice. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to him being only the middle child, he seems so much more grown-up than Eddy XD