August was a stressful month for both of us, so we can’t be too sorry it’s over. We didn’t have as much time for reading, TV shows, or movies as we did in July, but there were still some highlights for us. One of them was making room for books on what used to be our DVD shelves, giving us the perfect excuse to completely rearrange all our shelves. Then Maraia’s grandma and cousin visited for a few days, which gave us an excuse to explore new tourist attractions and to eat lots of delicious food. We successfully completed the 2000-piece puzzle that we started last month while Celine was visiting. Last but not least, the German footballs season got underway, starting with a victory for Schalke. Let’s just hope they can keep it up. 😀

Books & Audiobooks

You – Caroline Kepnes
This was a gift from the lovely Rhianna, so we wanted to love it, but sadly it was the biggest disappointment of the month. Not only was the story not at all compelling, but it also didn’t contain a single character we could root for, and the writing was far too crude. It felt like reading porn.

Spectrum – Ethan Cross
Despite having the first book of Ethan Cross‘ Shepherd series on our TBR for ages we started his new series instead and got a fast-paced thriller that started a bit confusing but turned out to be quite interesting and suspenseful – even though the author was sometimes trying too hard to make his characters appear cool and tough.

The Ark – Patrick S. Tomlinson
We’re always searching for good SciFi mysteries and this opening novel to the „Children of a Dead Earth“ series was quite a decent one. It was sometimes a bit hard to picture the setting but the case was interesting and had a very good conclusion that made us curious about the next books.

Assassin’s Apprentice – Robin Hobb
As part of the #PlentyofHobb readalong on bookstagram, we started (re)reading Robin Hobb’s 16-book-long Realm of the Elderlings series. For Maraia, it was like coming home. For Sebastian, the first 70% of the book was quite a struggle because nothing really important seemed to happen. However, the last chapters made up for a lot but he’s still a bit unsure if that was enough to make him want to continue the series soon.

The Doll’s House & Liar Liar – M.J. Arlidge
We’re finally continuing the DI Helen Grace series, and it’s so addictive, it’s a wonder we stopped in the first place. Helen Grace is a great and interesting heroine and the case had a good amount of suspense. We enjoyed The Doll’s House so much that we jumped right into the next one afterwards. Liar, Liar was equally suspenseful and kept us guessing until the very end.

Das gefrorene Licht – Yrsa Sigurðardóttir
This mystery from our favorite Icelandic author didn’t disappoint. The case immediately caught our attention, and the book held several twists, leaving us surprised and satisfied at the end. This is a series we’ll definitely be continuing. As good as Sigurðardóttir’s books are, however, she has yet to really win us over to her characters. The ones here were more interesting than in DNA, but it was still hard to form any connection with them.

The Fireman – Joe Hill
My first experiences with Joe Hill’s books haven’t been very successful and I was bored to death by NOS4R2 and Locke & Key but the fire pandemic story of Fireman sounded really interesting and it’s just impossible for me to resist David Nathan’s narration. I’m glad I eventually gave the book a try because even though it was the slow story that I had expected I still really enjoyed the plot and the atmosphere and also liked the characters.

Vor aller Augen (The Big Bad Wolf) – James Patterson
The Alex Cross novels were my favorite thrillers a few years ago which I used to listen to almost back to back and I still don’t remember why I took such a long break after the eighth book. I’m glad I decided to continue the series and even though book 9 wasn’t my favorite it still had a fast-paced and suspenseful plot and a good villain.

Das Tagebuch der Patricia White – Gian Carlo Ronelli
I’ve been wanting to read this eBook-only thriller for years and finally gave in but was a bit disappointed by the first half since it was heavy on dreams and visions and that’s not something I like in realistic thrillers. But then the book suddenly became really addictive and had an interesting twist, so it was definitely worth reading.

Minus 18 Grad – Stefan Ahnhem
The first book in the Fabian Risk series was really good, unfortunately the sequel turned out to be a little disappointment. This third book was somewhere in between: it had the suspense of book 1 but was also often confusing and overall a bit over the top. The cliffhanger at the end definitely made me want to continue the series though.

Kings of the Wild – Nicholas Eames
After several bookstagrammers posted about this book, I was expecting to love it, and for the first few chapters, I thought I would. Sadly, the characters didn’t grow on me, the stakes were never high enough, and the humor was too close to slap-stick for my tastes.

They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera
This is my third Adam Silvera novel and definitely my favorite. Although I enjoyed both of his previous books, I was never able to connect with or truly care about his characters. I still felt that way about to some extent about Rufus, one of the main characters, but I absolutely adored Mateo. Once again, Silvera shows how much richer diverse books are!

Lady Knight/Alanna: The First Adventure/In the Hand of the Goddess/Women Who Rides Like a Man – Tamora Pierce
Rereading Tamora Pierce’s books is so comforting, and I never get bored, no matter how many times I listen to the audiobooks. Lady Knight is an ending worthy of Keladry, one of my favorite characters of all time. Once I finished Protector of the Small, I started back at the beginning with Alanna’s quartet.

His Majesty’s Dragon – Naomi Novik
Maybe I would have liked this better if I’d read it instead of listened to it, or if I’d listen to it at a time when I was less preoccupied with other things, but as it was, I found it quite boring, and I don’t plan to continue the series. (Why is it so hard to find great books about dragons?)

Soulless – Gail Carriger
I don’t normally enjoy paranormal, but Kelsea sent me this book and promised it was a lot of fun. She wasn’t lying! I very much enjoyed the banter between the two main characters, and I even have the next book on hold at the library.

The Serpent King – Jeff Zentner
Even though I haven’t been reading many YA contemporaries, this one comes so highly recommended by Cait that I figured I’d give it a try. (Well, that and the fact that I was in desperate need of an audiobook. ?) It took me quite a while to warm up to the characters, in part because of the narration, but then I was talking a walk while listening to the book, and all of a sudden I was crying in public, and needless to say, I now I understand why Cait loves the book so much.

Shards of Honor – Lois McMaster Bujold
I’d only read Lois McMaster Bujold’s fantasy series before this, but Shards of Honor was another gift from Kelsea, and it hooked me right away. It’s pretty light as far as science fiction goes, but I loved the interactions between the two main characters, and I’m looking forward to continuing the series.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon – Kelly Barnhill
I picked this up after seeing a glowing review of it on Goodreads, and it’s not a bad book by any means, but it’s not my kind of book. As much as I love fantasy, this style of fairy tale-fantasy doesn’t usually work for me. I’ve struggled with similar books in the past, so I should have known, but it was such a quick read that I was done before I knew it. I will say that the writing is absolutely beautiful, and I’d recommend the book to younger readers or to readers who can’t get enough of fairy tales.


  • RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES: We re-watched this so we’d be ready to see the newest movie in theaters, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Still, it was an enjoyable movie, worthy of seeing again.

TV Shows


  • AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: We finally finished watching season 4 of S.H.I.E.L.D. after being a bit bored by the Ghost Rider plot and not having watched it in months. Fortunately the end of the season was way more interesting than the beginning, and we’re of course going to continue on with season 5.
  • FRESH OFF THE BOAT: We’re nearing the end of season 2, and it’s just as funny as ever! Thank god it’s been renewed for a fourth season.
  • CRIMINAL MINDS: Season 5 is as good as Criminal Minds always is, but Agent Morgan’s new facial hair has yet to stop being funny. At least Reid finally got a decent haircut. ?
  • STROMBERG: We’re making painfully slow progress with this show, but it’s nice to have for the nights where we can’t fit in two longer episodes but aren’t yet ready for bed.
  • SUITS: Season 6 doesn’t really have the same feel as the previous seasons, with all the changes that went down in season 5, but we’re still enjoying it and are curious how everything will work out.
  • STRIKE – THE CUCKOO’S CALLING: We love this book series, so we have high hopes for the show. The first episode didn’t have a ton of action, but the pace picked up in the second. Fortunately, the main actor is much less polished than he looked in the promo pictures, and he’s not a bad choice for Strike.



Other blog posts:

How was your August?
Did you read any good books? Did you go on vacation?

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18 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • AWW. YOU MENTIONED ME. *blushes* I’m super pleased you liked the Serpent King after all. ❤️? And I’m also kind of relieved you both didn’t like You because whattttt was that book. I’m actually not sure why I still own my copy because every time I look at it I shudder.?

    Also congrats on the 2000 piece puzzle! The patience and dedication!?

    I hope September is less stressful for everyone!

    • I don’t know what that book was, Cait. I really don’t understand the appeal. It’s on a level with Captive Prince for me. ?

      It was so frustrating at times, tbh. ? But audiobooks help!

      I hope so, too. <3

    • We did another 1000 piece puzzle after the big one and that felt so easy compared to that monster, the 2000 piece puzzle was definitely more satisfying 😀

      I can’t believe there’s even a sequel to „You“, how did anyone need more of that? The blurb also sounds as if the story would simply repeat itself, so where’s the point in that? oO

  • Aww, I hope September is less stressful for you! Though I’m impressed at how much you got through even with less time!
    Ah, I’m sorry you didn’t like You! It is totally crude, you’re right – I think it’s a Marmite book. For me, the crudeness and how disgusting Joe is makes me hate him and therefore had me hooked as I wondered if there are actually people out there who think like that. It just sent a shudder down my spine. On the plus side, I know which thrillers to recommend to you in the future! 😉

    I really need to read some Tamora Pierce! And it’s so helpful to see your thoughts on The Girl Who Drank The Moon – i keep seeing it around, but it looked to airy fairy for my liking, and sounds like it was that way for you too!

    I also need to watch Criminal Minds; I think I’m the only person in the world who hasn’t! ?

    Great wrap up, Maraia! ?

    • To be honest I didn’t think that Joe’s victim (I already forgot her name^^) was much better, she was almost just as annoying and I actually didn’t like anyone in this book 😀 I liked that part of it played in a bookstore though XD

      I definitely recommend watching Criminal Minds, I’ve watched some episodes up to 4 or 5 times already and still don’t get bored!

    • Von Maraia am 5. Sep. 2017 um 19:12

      I hope so, too! Hopefully having my parents here will be relaxing and not stressful, haha. And it’s my coping mechanism, but I don’t pay attention well when I’m stressed. ?

      Yes, you do! I love them so much. I really don’t think The Girl Who Drank the Moon is for you. Honestly, I would have DNF’d, but I read the first 40% in one sitting, and then I figured I might as well finish.

      Ooh, you’d love it! I only started watching last year.

      Thanks, Rhianna! ?

      • I totally missed your replies! Sorry, guys!


        I totally agree with you actually, there were absolutely no likeable characters! Peach was a nightmare too! And Benji – okay, fine, everyone was ? I don’t know what it is though, something just hooked me about it. Having said that, I recently read Luckiest Girl Alive, which was dubbed the next Gone Girl, and I absolutely loathed every character, and hugely disliked the book. Would not recommend.(It didn’t even have a book store setting to redeem it!?)

        Awesome, I do need another series to watch so I think I’ll tune into that soon!


        I will get round to it soon! Especially now one might inform a blog post, as we discussed ?

        I definitely won’t pick that book up, sounds too twee for me! ?

        • Von Maraia am 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:42

          Wait, are you talking about Tamora Pierce or Juliet Marillier?

          What is twee? I can’t remember if we’ve already talked about that one. ?

        • I don’t even remember these characters XD

          Yeah, I had a similar feeling about „Gone Girl“, I despised both characters and was just hoping that they would eventually kill each other XD

  • Aaaw, Sebastian, I hope you will give the Farseers trilogy another go with book 2 and 3. I think they are well worth it.

    To be fair, we need little reason to rearrange our shelves as book worms, haha.
    I haven’t read the books but The Cuckoo’s Calling is calling to me to be watched for some reason. I might. I’m still on the fence on actually reading the books since detective type books often don’t do so well with me. But I love watching detectives, haha.

    • I definitely want to continue the trilogy but I don’t feel like I want to do it soon – which is bad because I will have forgotten about the book in a few weeks already (that happens with every book because my brain is so messy^^) and then it will be even harder to pick up the next one 😀

      We just finished watching the episodes that were about the case from „The Cuckoo’s Calling“ and I would say that the book was better in comparison. I think the actors fit their roles really well but wrapping the case up in just 3 episodes felt a bit rushed. But we will definitely keep watching!

    • Von Maraia am 5. Sep. 2017 um 19:42

      Haha, I think it’s a lost cause. ?

      I would definitely read the books first! Or at least try the first one and see how it goes. The show really doesn’t do the case justice, even though the characters were done well.

  • The Doll’s House sounds super creepy. I must look it up. I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed They Both Die at the End. I read my first Adam Silvera this summer and can’t wait to read his other works. Happy September!

    • I didn’t find „The Doll’s House“ especially creepy (it had actually quite little to do with dolls…) but the book and the series in general are really addictive, I would definitely recommend reading them if you like thrillers!

    • Von Maraia am 5. Sep. 2017 um 19:24

      I agree with Sebastian. The title was actually quite misleading. ? It’s a great series to binge, though!

      I’m sure you’ll enjoy They Both Die at the End if you already liked More Happy Than Not. I definitely think Silvera’s growing as an author, which is always nice to see.

      Happy September to you as well. ?

  • What a great month you both had!
    I’m really looking forward to read something by Lois McMaster Bujold! I always see her recommended on twitter!
    (Awww I’m so sad that Assassin’s Apprentice wasn’t a win for Sebatian :(( )