ttt “Top 10 Tuesday” is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish

Just a few more days until Christmas and as usual I couldn’t (and didn’t want to) avoid adding books to my wishlist because what could a bookworm want more under the Christmas tree than new reading material?

My parents have given up trying to talk me out of wishing for books for Christmas (and birthdays) over the past years so my odds are usually quite good that I’ll have a bookish Christmas. So most of this Top 10 Tuesday list actually is my real Christmas wishlist for this year though half of it is for a Secret Santa thing I’m doing with some friends.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne & John Tiffany
This book went onto my Christmas wishlist even before it was published because I didn’t feel the urge to read it right on its release date and since I also don’t want to spend 20€ on a script book that isn’t even an actual novel it seemed like the perfect book to make someone else buy for me 😀 It also perfectly fits into my annual Harry Potter re-read which I started early December.

Broken Promise – Linwood Barclay
I’ve recently finished watching Twin Peaks and reading Blake Crouch’s Wayward Pines trilogy so I’m in need of more small-town madness and Linwood Barclay’s Promise Falls trilogy seems like a good choice.

Liar Liar – M.J. Arlidge
I haven’t even read the third Helen Grace thriller by M.J. Arlidge yet but he’s writing so fast that I’m afraid of falling behind too much, that’s why I wouldn’t mind hoarding his books for a binge-read.

Monsters – Emerald Fennell
I’m still not really sure if this is a book for adults or children BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RESIST A BOOK THAT IS ABOUT TWO 12-YEAR-OLDS WHO LOVE MURDERS AND RE-ENACTING THEM?

Insignia – S.J. Kincaid
I’m still waiting for a book about virtual reality that is not a disappointment compared to Ernest Cline’s „Ready Player One“ and since Kincaid’s Insignia trilogy comes highly recommended by several bookish friends I’m having high hopes for this one.


This Monstrous Thing – Mackenzi Lee
I’m not really the biggest fan of retellings but this Frankenstein retelling sounds interesting and has gotten a lot of good reviews so I didn’t think twice about putting it on my Secret Santa wishlist.

Das Mädchen auf der anderen Seite – Achim Freudenberg
This German mystery thriller was highly recommend by my local radio station and has been described as a thriller of the rather unusual kind. It also makes me curious that the story is set in Cologne which is just one hour away from the place where I live and so I definitely want to give it a try.

The Other Side of Eve – Paul Ikin
I’ve only stumbled upon this book because the author followed me on Twitter recently and even though I’m not sure if I would actually like the story since it sounds so different than the stuff I usually read I really wouldn’t mind Santa leaving it under my tree BECAUSE OH MY GOD IT’S THE PRETTIEST BOOK OF THE YEAR. Seriously, if I ever wanted to buy a book for it’s cover than it’s this one – too bad it’s quite expensive because it’s from an independent author who also did the illustrations but the artwork alone seems already worth the money. I even own the eBook already because the author is giving it away in December for free but I still want the hardcover so badly 😀

Extreme Makeover – Dan Wells
The main reason why I want Santa to bring me this book is so that I don’t have to buy it myself because this adult novel by Dan Wells is also quite expensive but I find the cover too good-looking to be satisfied with an eBook copy 😀

Poison City – Paul Crilley
I really can’t say that I’m a dog person so that a book that features a character who sees his drunken dog as his magical spirit guide seems not the best choice for me but the blurb sounds so fucked-up that it reminds me of Chuck Wendig’s books and I always had a hell lot of fun with those, so…

Which books are you hoping to get for Christmas this year?

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11 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • What an interesting selection of books! 🙂 I hope you get your hands on them soon!

  • Am afraid the only book I’ve read on your list is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child..I will be checking out the rest of the list as some covers and your comments look really interesting 🙂

  • OMGGGG, The Other Side of Eve ist ja verdammt geil *____*
    (direkt mal das kostenlose ebook geladen, wenns gut is nehm ich auch gerne das teure HC^^)

    • Genau das ist auch mein Plan 😀

      Das Buch muss schon ziemlich enttäuschend ausfallen dass ich mir davon keine Print-Ausgabe ins Regal stelle xD

  • I wonder how many people will add „The Other Side of Eve“ to their wishlists because of you. xD

  • Oh I’ve heard good things about This Monstrous Thing as well. Very curious about that as well. 🙂

  • This is really interesting to me! I normally cannot read horror or thrillers because they are too scary for me, but I’ve recently started reading some more suspense/mystery books! Maybe you have a few beginner recommendations for me!

    • If you’re looking for crime fiction that is not too scary or violent then I would recommend J.K. Rowling’s (a.k.a. Robert Galbraith’s) Cormoran Strike series, starting with „The Cuckoo’s Calling“ which has great characters and an interesting and intelligent mystery.

      Another good and classic crime novel comes from Stephen King (surprise! :D) with „Mr. Mercedes“, the first book of his Bill Hodges trilogy. This one also features great and very likable characters and an exciting story with some good old detective work.

      If you want a bit more of a mystery thriller with some horror elements then you might want to try „The Three“ by Sarah Lotz or „Bird Box“ by Josh Malerman which both have a very intense atmosphere and rather little violence.

  • Good luck with your wishes! The Harry Potter book is definitely worth owning. I loved it! I really want to read Extreme Makeover too — although I’m waiting to get it from the library. 🙂 Happy Holidays!

  • I really like the sound of The Other Side of Eve. It looks really unique. Hope you enjoy the holidays!