Today is Earth Day which is also the theme of this week’s Bookish Scene: Project 52 and to be honest I had absolutely no idea what kind of picture I could take or even which book would fit the theme.
That’s why I decided to cheat a little bit and altered „Earth Day“ slightly to „Alternate Earth Day“ to be able to push one my favorite books on you (yes, AGAIN :P): The Flight of the Silvers by Daniel Price, an epic SciFi novel that is set in an parallel world after the original one suddenly collapsed and which has a very cool setting, great characters, superpowers (!) and a mind-blowing story, so do yourself a favor and read it! If you need more convincing, here’s my full review of the book! 😛
BookishScene: Project 52 is a bookish Instagram challenge hosted by Joséphine (@wordrevel) and Georgie (@whatgeorgiedid), Further information can be found on both their blogs where you can also see a preview of the upcoming themes.
I think one of my favorite parts about Bookish Scene is seeing how you’ll twist the themes each week to fit your reading tastes. xD I can’t wait to reread TFotS in preparation for the (hopefully) forthcoming sequel!
You make it sound as if I would ALWAYS cheat for Bookish Scene 😛
Have you seen that Daniel Price is ready to send the first draft to his publisher this month? And on Twitter he said it’s probably coming out early 2017, so I might be re-reading it by the end of this year. I CAN’T WAIT 😀
Haha, maybe just „often.“ But rules were meant to be broken, right? ;P
NO, I didn’t see that! \o/ I’m so glad it’s actually going to exist.