This week’s theme for Bookish Scene: Project 52 is „Wanderlust“ and only thinking about it already makes me want to pack my things and jump on a plane to visit another country. I’m not really into spending my vacation on a beach and doing nothing but lying around (even though the idea of spending the whole day on the beach reading is a bit tempting but when I travel to other countries then I rather want to explore them and see as much as possible while I’m there.
So for this week’s picture I went back in my mind to last year’s trip to Iceland where I spent two weeks and traveled around the whole country together with my sister with just a tent and my backpack which was pretty exciting. Of course I didn’t take any physical books with me because every gram counts when you have to carry around all your luggage all the time so my Kindle is always a valuable companion when it comes to traveling – especially since the Paperwhite makes it possible to read in the tent when it’s already dark without needing any additional light. During my Iceland trip I read Scott Lynch’s „The Lies of Locke Lamora“ which was quite a good choice because a) it has a lot of pages so that it kept me busy for several days and b) because it was such an amazing book and I didn’t really expect to like it that much since I’m usually not that much into fantasy.
Of course visiting Iceland made me want to read some books set in Iceland afterwards and even though it’s such a small nation with a population of only 330.000 people there are actually quite a few popular Icelandic authors especially in the crime genre. I still need to try Arnaldur Indriðason and Ragnar Jónasson but I’ve already read several books by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir who is quite popular in Germany and who wrote my favorite horror novel of all time, „I Remember You“, which is just SUPER creepy. The four books you can see on the picture next to my backpack are all from Yrsa Sigurðardóttir and I plan to read even more of her books in the near future.
BookishScene: Project 52 is a bookish Instagram challenge hosted by Joséphine (@wordrevel) and Georgie (@whatgeorgiedid), Further information can be found on both their blogs where you can also see a preview of the upcoming themes.
Woaah, nach Island würde ich auch gerne einmal! Ich hab mir dieses Jahr vorgenommen, mehr Bücher von Autoren zu lesen, die nicht aus Amerika oder England sind, da ist ja hier vielleicht was dabei! Klingt auf jeden Fall spannend! 🙂
Also ich kann auf jeden Fall GEISTERFJORD von Yrsa Sigurdardottir empfehlen, das fand ich super gruselig und es eignet sich perfekt für dunkle Winterabende 😀 Generell findet man im hohen Norden aber einiges an guter Literatur, zumindest wenn man Krimis mag 😉
Und Island ist definitiv eine Reise wert, auch wenn’s da manchmal schon ziemlich einsam ist 😀
Wow, two whole weeks with a backpack?? That is so cool! I’ve heard good things about The Lies of Lock Lamora – I hope to pick it up one day. I love fantasy 🙂
Now that you wrote that you love fantasy I’m even more shocked that you haven’t read Mistborn yet 😀
I was actually surprised that I enjoyed THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA because I’m not that much into fantasy and I also went into this book almost completely blind^^