After the December of Shame where I had gotten waaay too many books January was at least a little progress but it was still a tough month for my TBR. Once again I could claim that most of last month’s book haul wasn’t really my fault because I only bought two print books in January but I guess that doesn’t really make it any better. On the other hand I’m pretty excited about my new books and can’t wait to read them, SO NO REGRETS 😛

  • The Whites – Richard Price
    I had added this book to my maybe-wishlist about 2 years ago and completely forgotten about it in the meantime but it was a nice surprise when I got it as a late Christmas present and I’m hoping for it to be a gripping detective story.
  • Stories of Your Life and Others – Ted Chiang
    I’m usually not a fan of short story collections but this one contains the story on which last year’s science fiction movie „Arrival“ was based on and since I enjoyed the film a lot but still have a lot of unanswered questions I hope that the book will help me understand it a bit better – this also was a Christmas present.
  • Little Boy Blue – M.J. Arlidge
    It might sound a bit risky that I already own five books of a thriller series when I’ve only read the first two of them but „Eeny Meeny“ and „Pop Goes the Weasel“ were so good that I don’t fear getting disappointed by the other sequels – by the way the third and final belated Christmas present.

  • The Night Season – Chelsea Cain
    The storyline about Archie Sheridan and his nemesis Gretchen Lowell seems to be over and I’m a bit afraid if the series still works without Gretchen but I enjoyed the first three books way too much to not be curious about the next books.
  • The Girl Before – J.P. Delaney
    My first 2017 pre-order and also one of my most anticipated thrillers this year due to the big hype about the book. Advertised as the new „Gone Girl“ or „The Girl on the Train“ and with the movie already in production this seems to be a must-read of the year – I really hope it can live up to the hype.
  • Exkarnation: Seelensterben – Markus Heitz
    While I’m not interested in Heitz‘ fantasy novels at all I really enjoy his mystery thrillers, so I’m glad I received a review copy of the second Exkarnation book – I might need to re-read the first one though because I can hardly remember anything from the prequel 😀

  • Final Girls – Riley Sager
    This is actually the thriller I’m looking forward to the most this year – one reason is the blurb which sounds super exciting with some kind of survivor’s club of serial killer victims but the main reason is because it comes with the praise from Stephen King himself and I can’t wait to start reading my eARC that I received from Netgalley.
  • Dreadnought – April Daniels
    I just never get tired of superhero stories and I found this one very promising because it’s about a boy who not only inherits the powers of the world’s greatest superhero but also is turned into a girl, something he has always dreamed of.
  • Demon: Sumpf der Toten – Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
    It’s hard to keep up on all the thriller and crime series on the market but the Agent Pendergast series by Preston & Child is one where I’m always impatiently waiting for the newest book – it’s insane that this is already book 15 of the series!
  • Minus 18 Grad – Stefan Ahnhem
    This book is the third one in the Swedish Fabian Risk series and since I found the first novel pretty thrilling but the sequel rather disappointing „Minus 18 Grad“ might decide if I’m going to continue the series in the future.
  • Die Gerechte – Peter Swanson
    This book was on my radar since the release of the English original („The Kind Worth Killing“) in 2015 and when I saw that Uve Teschner was one of the narrators I knew that I just had to get the German audiobook. The ratings are pretty good and I’m hoping for a captivating psychological thriller!

Did you already read any of these books?
Which books did you get in January?

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11 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • Von Maraia am 12. Feb. 2017 um 22:26

    You got all these books in January, and yet every time I ask about a new book I want to read with you, you say, „but my TBR…“ xD

  • Also bei M.J. Arlidge würd ich mal sagen, dass du nix falsch gemacht hast! ich hab bisher die ersten drei Bände gelesen und mein Leseeifer ist nicht vorbei. Band 4 wartet schon auf dem SUB :3

    „The Girl before“ will ich auch unbedingt lesen! Kannst es gern vorher lesen und mir deine Meinung dazu sagen, nicht dass es ein Flop wird 😛

    Peter Swanson hat mich mit seinem ersten Buch extrem enttäuscht. Daher lockt mich sein zweites Buch irgendwie nicht im geringsten. Kennst du „Die Unbekannt“ von ihm?

    • „Die Unbekannte“ natürlich …

      • „Die Unbekannte“ sagte mir zunächst nichts, aber laut Goodreads hatte ich mir die englische Ausgabe vor einer Weile mal auf die erweiterte Merkliste gepackt – kann ich mir deinem Kommentar und dem eher schwachen Bewertungsschnitt nach aber wohl eher sparen? 😀

        Da stürze ich mich dann lieber in die Arlidge-Bücher, da legt der Autor ja ein Wahnsinns-Tempo vor mit den Veröffentlichungen 😀

        Ich hoffe ich komme in Kürze zu „The Girl Before“, dann werde ich berichten 😉

  • Lieber Sebastian,

    da durften viele spannende Bücher bei dir einziehen. Vor allem der Thriller von Stefan Anhehm reizt mich sehr.

    Viele liebe Grüße


    • Hast du die ersten beiden Bände denn schon gelesen? Auf den zweiten kann man meiner Ansicht nach verzichten aber den ersten fand ich schon sehr spannend!