
When I first heard about this week’s Bookish Scene: Project 52 theme „Spring“ at the end of February, I was hoping that it would be possible to go outside and take pictures with books and blooming plants by then but when I look outside my window it still looks a lot like winter and most of the trees don’t even have a single leaf yet.

But fortunately one of the books I read recently literally had a springlike title even though Tom Callaghan’s gruesome thriller „A Spring Betrayal“ is set in cold Kyrgyzstan and reading the book never even made me think of spring at all 😀

The German title of the book translates as „Deadly spring“ so I just couldn’t resist to put some blood in the picture. Like last week no one was harmed in the making of the picture but I found out that strawberry jam is a much better blood substitute than tomato ketchup 😀

BookishScene: Project 52 is a bookish Instagram challenge hosted by Joséphine (@wordrevel) and Georgie (@whatgeorgiedid), Further information can be found on both their blogs where you can also see a preview of the upcoming themes.

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