“Top 10 Tuesday” is a weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish We have talked a lot about bookish highlights lately but while those rankings usually featured the books we enjoyed most in the past months there we’re still a few titles that have been left out but deserve being mentioned – either in a […]
You might remember from my previous newbie post that my March book haul got a little bit out of hand, so I’m relieved that April didn’t continue my downfall but left me with a still reasonable number of new books – nine new books & eBooks isn’t that much, right? 😉 And two of them didn’t even […]
“Top 10 Tuesday” ist ein wöchentliches Meme von The Broke and the Bookish I have been very excited about this week’s TTT topic because for several weeks now I’ve been feeling like I’m having the best TBR pile of my whole life and every time I finish a book it feels like heaven because there are […]
Oktober 2015 – Buchmesse-Monat, Geburtstagsmonat, oder aber auch: Wie man es in nur 31 Tagen schafft, sich den mühsam erarbeiteten SuB-Abbau des gesamten Jahres fast komplett wieder kaputtzumachen. Mit sage und schreibe 28 (!) Neuzugängen habe ich nicht nur einen neuen persönlichen (und eher unrühmlichen) Rekord aufgestellt, sondern auch einen SuB-Aufbau von 23 Büchern verursacht […]