This week’s Bookish Scene: Project 52 theme is „Diversity“ and I have to admit that usually this is not an aspect that does really influence my choice of books because I’m a very story-driven driven reader and it doesn’t really matter to me if the characters are male, female, transgender, old, young, black, white, handicapped or whatever as long as the plot manages to fascinate me. I actually find it a bit sad that diversity even has to be a topic in the first place because I think it should be natural and not something that needs to be specifically mentioned.

Another reason for why I think that diversity is not such a big thing for me when it comes to books is maybe my preferred genre because I have the impression that mostly (young adult) contemporary readers are longing for diversity which I can absolutely understand because especially for young readers that feel „different“ it’s important that they can relate to characters that struggle with the same problems, prejudices etc, but in crime fiction this doesn’t seem to be such an important aspect and I’ve never seen someone say something like „Oh I really hope the MC in this thriller is a black, gay and handicapped cop because that’s what crime fiction needs and those groups aren’t represented enough“.

That’s why I had some difficulties going through my bookshelves and finding books where diversity is actually an important aspect and most of the few ones I eventually found are indeed YA contemporaries. In the end I decided to try to simulate the rainbow flag for my Bookish scene picture but I admit that even though I tried to use some „diverse books“ the color of the spines definitely was the main criterion for me to achieve this 😀

(also doing the #bookishrainbow tag for which I got tagged by Crini a while ago :D)
BookishScene: Project 52 is a bookish Instagram challenge hosted by Joséphine (@wordrevel) and Georgie (@whatgeorgiedid), Further information can be found on both their blogs where you can also see a preview of the upcoming themes.

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3 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • This is so pretty. I was actually really surprised that you came up with something for the purpley-pink part—and not just one book, but two! 😛

    You’re right that it’s sad diversity even has to be a topic, but we’re not even close to the point where it can just be assumed. =/ I rarely enjoy „issue books“—the ones where the entire point is diversity—but I do like when books achieve diversity naturally. (Like Simon vs. ;P) It’s always really obvious when diversity is forced, and I think it can alienate readers and make books unpleasant to read.

    I definitely think the lack of diversity in books is more noticeable to people who primarily read for the characters, rather than for the action. It gets boring to read about the same basic character over and over again. And like you said, YA readers are more likely to be looking for characters they can relate to.

    Have you already read „Casual Vacancy“? What did you think? (You’ll probably just going to link me to your review. xD)

    • Haha, it was difficult NOT to spot the bright pink book on my TBR and „Welcome to Night Vale“ was standing almost next to it, so that the purple/pink part wasn’t really a problem. I definitely struggled with the yellow spine because „A Casual Vacancy“ was the only one I could find (Yes, I’ve already read it and found it super boring, I’m glad JKR switched to crime fiction^^).

      Aaaand another very subtle hint for me to finally read „Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda“… 😛

      And I think I’m definitely a reader who mostly reads for the action and not for the characters, I guess that’s why I didn’t LOVE „Vicious“ ;D

      • I don’t think I’ve heard of that book. *checks Goodreads* Oh, it’s a sequel, no wonder. At least you managed to finish „A Casual Vacancy.“ I couldn’t handle it. xD

        Yeah, „subtle“ is my other middle name, didn’t you know? ;P

        And why you probably won’t like the rest of Schwab’s books, haha.