Choosing a book for this week’s Bookish Scene: Project 52 theme „Shards“ was quite easy because I immediately thought of Frank Schätzing’s „Breaking News“ since there actually are shards on the book cover, so it was an obvious choice for me.

But the book alone would have been a bit boring as a photo scene so I „completely accidentally“ dropped a bottle. On a hammer. Which I was holding in my hands. But don’t worry, no book blogger was harmed in the making of this picture 😛

BookishScene: Project 52 is a bookish Instagram challenge hosted by Joséphine (@wordrevel) and Georgie (@whatgeorgiedid), Further information can be found on both their blogs where you can also see a preview of the upcoming themes.

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5 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • Hab ein fast ähnliches Bild mit Glas – aber nein, es war schon kaputt, ich musste keine arme Flasche zerstören 😛
    Das Buch oben passt hier wirklich perfekt zur Optik!

    • Lustigerweise habe ich genau 4 Tage nach dem Foto zum ersten Mal seit Jahren wieder aus Versehen ein Glas zerstört, das hätte mir auch ruhig mal ein paar Tage eher passieren können xD

      Ich mag dein Foto mit „Verdorbenes Blut“, da passen die Scherben auch super zum Cover!

  • I really like that cover! I’ve never heard of the book, though. As usual, your caption made me laugh. 🙂

    • Haha, I don’t think I would recommend this book to you because about 500 of the 1000 pages were rather boring. But there’s a review on the blog (of course^^) if you still want to know more about it ;D