
Today is a very special day for me: IT’S THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF MY BLOG THAT I DIDN’T FORGET 😀 But seriously: exactly 5 years ago, on January 29th in 2011, my very first blog post went online (it was a review of a book that only got 4/10, so maybe not such a great start into blogging^^) and at that point I would never have expected how much impact blogging would have on my life and also that I would still be blogging 5 years later.

And do you know what’s the best thing about it? I’ve never regretted it and in fact I think that setting up a blog was probably the best decision I’ve made in my whole life because it has brought me so much joy over the years and still does every day – well almost, since there are definitely days where I’m just too lazy to write the review I meant to write or answer the comments I wanted to reply to (shame on me^^). But I never had a real low in my blogging career where I considered taking a break or stop blogging for good and I hope that I can keep the motivation up for at least another 5 years 😉

I also want to use this post to shout out a big THANK YOU to everyone who has accompanied me on my way during the past 5 years, be it by reading my posts, commenting on my blog, talking about books with me, chatting on Twitter or simply by letting me be a part of this amazing book community in whatever way. It’s not always easy to make friends when you’re a rather introvert bookworm and a bit (or maybe a bit more^^) socially awkward so it’s really awesome to have you all in my life. I’ve got to know my best friends through blogging and that’s definitely reason #1 for why I love blogging so much, so once again: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

But let’s now come to the important part, since I don’t want to bore you with sentimental talk any longer… 😉 To celebrate my 5th blogiversary and give something back for all the company and support over all these years I’m hosting a giveaway where you can win 1 of 5 of my favorite books of the past 5 years. And here they are:

By entering the giveaway you can win one of the following books (they all got a 10/10 rating from me so be assured that they are awesome and worth reading! ;D)

The giveaway is open until Tuesday, March 1st, 12 a.m. and the winners will get notified within 24 hours. If you’re lucky to win you get to choose if you want the English or the German edition of the book. You can only win one of the prizes, in case you win 2 giveaways you get to decide which book you want to receive and I’m going to pick a new winner for the other one. If you don’t answer your prize notification within 48 hours I’m going to pick a new winner, too. Please be aware that you can only participate in the book giveaways if The Book Depository ships to your country (see all the countries here). The bookmarks giveaway is open for everyone.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Images: Vectors designed by Freepik & lavarmsg

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10 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Ein halbes Jahrzehnt ist eine verdammt lange Zeit und ich hoffe für dich, dass du noch mindestens weitere fünf Jahre Spaß und Freude am Bloggen haben wirst 😉

  • Happy blogiversary!

    Hahaha, I can’t believe your first review is for a book by Nora Roberts. Or that you actually linked to it. XD

    LOL, that was surprisingly sentimental. Did you just fulfill your quota for the next 5 years? 😛

    • Thank you! 🙂

      Haha, back then I didn’t know what kind of books Nora Roberts usually writes and I was hoping for an exciting and futuristic thriller but that was definitely not what I got 😀

      Yes, now I can go back to being snarky and sarcastic for the next 5 years 😛

  • Meinen Glückwunsch! 🙂

  • Congrats on 5 years! I ‚m so glad to hear that your enthusiasm for blogging hasn’t really waned over the years – I hope that I can say the same in another 4 years 🙂 I love blogging today as much as I did over a year ago and I hope that never changes. I can’t imagine not blogging anymore, but then again I know that life changes and who knows what will happen. Will I still want to blog if I have kids one day? Who knows 🙂 But I hope so!

    • Thank you! I never would have expected to get to know people from all over the world through blogging and I’m so happy that I (at least virtually^^) met you guys! 🙂

      And you could still start blogging about children’s books when you have kids ;D

  • Lieber Sebastian,

    5 Jahre, da gehörst du ja schon zum alten Bloggereisen :)) im Ernst: Herzlichste Glückwünsche zum 5jährigen Jubiläum, absolut toll. Mach weiter so, ich lese hier sehr gerne und v.a. die englischen Buchtipps sind sehr verführerisch. Ich hoffe, dass du niemals den Spaß am Bloggen verlieren wirst. Good job! ♥

    Liebe Grüße