When I look at the number of books I’ve read last month I can’t help feeling like I’ve failed a little bit when it comes to reading and listening to audiobooks but looking at page numbers and minutes March wasn’t actually that bad. Four out of the six books I’ve finished were quite massive and regarding how busy I was for most of the month I’m almost a bit surprised that I even managed to read that much in the first place. Also I’m really happy with the quality of last month’s books and I can’t remember the last time 50% of the books I’ve read were 5-star reads (2 out of 3 were re-reads but still…)

Books & Audiobooks

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – J.K. Rowling
    I had read the sixth Harry Potter book only once before and forgotten most of the story so that I could almost feel the same excitement as when I read it for the first time which was super awesome. Also I had forgotten how damn great this book is and thanks to Jim Dale’s narration I’m almost tempted to say that it’s my new favorite book of the whole series (sorry, „Prisoner of Azkaban“ :P)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – J.K. Rowling
    I could say the same about this book as what I’ve already written about book 6 and I have no idea why I haven’t re-read all the later books earlier before. I enjoyed the series so much that I could already start listening to it all over again and I’m so relieved that I still love the books as much as I did a few years ago.
  • Burning Midnight – Will McIntosh
    I’m not kidding: It took me over a year to finish this book which must be a new all-time low. The book itself wasn’t even that bad but after taking a break for a few days back in 2016 there was just nothing that could really motivate me to pick it up again, so…
  • Sour Candy – Kealan Patrick Burke
    I usually don’t read a lot of standalone novellas and had only gotten this one because the cover somehow reminded me of the „Hannibal“ tv show but it turned out to be surprisingly good. It was disturbing, creepy and reminded me a little bit of Blake Crouch’s „Dark Matter“ – if Stephen King had written that book instead of Crouch.
  • Des Teufels Gebetbuch – Markus Heitz
    I don’t think that this is a bad book but it just wasn’t really my cup of tea which I guess is mostly to blame on the fantastic elements of the plot. I liked the general idea but would definitely have preferred a more realistic (and also much shorter) story.
  • The Song of the Orphans – Daniel Price
    I still can’t believe that I finally got to read the sequel to „The Flight of the Silvers“ after having to wait three (!) years for this book but I’m so freaking relieved to find out that the story was worth every single day of the wait. „The Song of the Orphans“ is a fantastic sequel and you should definitely pre-order this book right now (and also get „The Flight of the Silvers“ if you still haven’t read it despite my never-ending book pushing :P)



  • THE LEGO MOVIE: Re-watched this movie in preparation of the LEGO Batman movie and I definitely had forgotten how catchy the theme song was – EVERYTHING IS AWESOOOOOOME… XD
  • THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE: Probably enjoyed this one even more than the first LEGO movie due to the superhero/super villain theme and even though I only got to see the dubbed German version it was still pretty funny.
  • KONG – SKULL ISLAND: This was by far my most anticipated movie of the year and I’m so glad (and also a bit surprised) that it could completely live up to my expectations. If you like monster movies, expedition stories, exotic settings, breath-taking action, really cool camera shots and nostalgic 70s rock music then please do yourself a favor and watch this movie – it’s damn awesome!

TV Shows


  • HEMLOCK GROVE: Finished season 2 and started season 3 and holy shit, this show has become even weirder than it already was. I don’t really have an idea what’s going on but the violent scenes are still fun to watch (despite some really bad animations) 😀
  • ALL OR NOTHING: Watched the last episodes of the documentary about the Arizona Cardinals football team and I really hope that there will somehow be a second season – definitely the best sports documentary I’ve watched so far. I’m even tempted to root for the Cardinals a little bit in the upcoming NFL season 😀
  • MODERN FAMILY: Only watched a few episodes last month but enjoyed them as usual.
  • PRISON BREAK: Finished my re-watch of the first four seasons and the finale left me heartbroken all over again, especially after watching the „Final Break“ movie for the first time, too. Now I’m super excited for the new season!


  • LIFE IN PIECES: Started season 1 all over again so that I could watch the show with Maraia and binge-watched the whole season. To be honest I’m enjoying it even more than „Modern Family“ at the moment.
  • PASTEWKA: I decided to introduce Maraia to another masterpiece of German television and made her watch this gem of a comedy show. I’m watching most of the episodes for the third time now already and it’s still painfully embarrassing to follow the main character (but also pretty hilarious^^).
  • HAPPY VALLEY: Watched season 2 of this BBC show and while I didn’t find it as good as the first one it’s still a pretty great crime show. I’m glad the second season was less painful than season 1 but on the other hand that’s what made the show so intense in the first place, so I kinda hope that the next season will hit me in the feels again.
  • THE OA: Rather spontaneously started watching this show and didn’t really have an idea what it was about but let me say that I definitely hadn’t expected THIS. I don’t think I’ve ever watched something similar before but I found this weird mix of thriller, mystery and magical realism elements really intriguing. Also this show has a great soundtrack!



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2 Antworten zu diesem Beitrag

  • It makes me so happy that you loved listening to Harry Potter and even happier that you could listen to them again. I definitely plan to. ;P

    I still can’t believe how good Skull Island was! I also can’t believe we read anything at all in March. xD